Ok so have you been wondering what I've been up to today? Well since I'm still down in my back and not getting out of bed much, I've been laying and pondering tole painting. I've been wanting to learn how to do this for many many years and had bought some things to practice with several years ago but didn't really fool with it much after I bought the one kit. Well a friend of mine is really wanting to learn as well so what better time than now to pull out my kit and start practicing and trying my best to learn this wonderful craft. Now for you seasoned tole painters, please don't laugh and critic me to bad cause this is my very first attempt at painting anything other than practicing the flowers. I know that it isn't perfect but I did the best I could and to be such a rookie it's not to bad is it? The top picture is my first attempt.

Then this second picture is my second. My friend Suzie over at Happy Shack
http://www.ourhappyshack.blogspot.com/ is one of those seasoned tole painters and I was sending her a package in the mail when my husband suggested that I should paint on the box so she could see how I was doing. She knows that I've wanted to do this for the longest time and tried to show me how this past summer but we didn't have much time to practice cause we had the lake to play on. After all she's a
lakebrat just like myself and we love love love the water and all that goes with it. So this is what I've been up to today when I haven't been laying down resting my back. So what do you think.....am I getting the hang of it or should I do
awhole lot more practicing before I post any painting again?
hahahaOk off I go, the heating pad is calling my name but you all come on back soon........
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