Ok so even though my kitchen isn't completed yet I thought that I'd go ahead and share with you all the progress. I've showed you bits and pieces of it through other posts but here's the big picture (or pictures rather) I made my curtains for
allllll those windows, but on the positive side...they frame a beautiful view of the lake. I have to admit. I was
a little nervous making them cause you know how expensive that
toile fabric can be and I couldn't really afford to make to many wrong cuts even though I bought some extra fabric. I still have the one wall behind the table that needs something on it and I already have the plates that I want to hang. I just need to find me a couple of wrought iron plate racks and a nice pretty mirror.
hmmm hopefully
TJMaxx can help me out with my dilemma.

Here's a view of the cabinet area. As you can see I don't have that much space for storage but I make the most of what I do have. Previously the kitchen was very primitive country and the top of the cabinets were full of antique kitchen utensils and other primitive decorations along with the border and wallpaper that was in there before. Now it has a more clean crisp look to it I think. I even found a basket at where else?...
TJMaxx to put my breads in so that they wouldn't disturb the calm look that I'm shooting for.

Then here's another angle. The hutch in the corner was previously a dear family friends and when she passed away it was given to me. I cleaned it up took the ugly contact paper off the glass and gave it a fresh coat of paint. I love that piece of furniture now and it's probably one of my favorite things in the kitchen. Now onto the
countertops....those aren't staying! They will be gone and replaced hopefully this summer. The ceramic tile on the edges are chipping really bad in places and well.....they simply just
dont work with this new look and need to be updated. So my husband suggested that we put black
countertops in here and I couldn't agree more. I was going to paint all of my cabinets off white and antique them but then changed my mind when Suzie over at Happy Shack
http://www.ourhappyshack.blogspot.com/ talked me out of it. She had done her bathroom cabinets and was telling me just how long it took her on those and that it would probably be more of a job than what my back and neck could handle (remember I've had back and neck surgeries) so I scratched that idea, but have grown to like the oak colored cabinets with the new paint color. Oh and speaking of paint colors....does it look familiar? Well it's the same color as my laundry room and I've just fallen in love with the pretty robins egg blue. Of course I can't take complete credit for it. If it weren't for Tracey over at Notes from a Cottage Industry
http://acottageindustry.typepad.com/a_cottage_industry/ for providing me with her wonderful "recipe" for it, then I'd never get to enjoy it. So thanks again Tracey. Your a true inspiration to me.
Hope that you enjoyed the little tour of my kitchen. But I've got to run cause my husband is coming home from being out of town all week and I have lots to do before he gets here.
Have a great day!
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