Do you ever feel so overwhelmed that you think to yourself. "I'll never get all of this done". Well stop right there. I have a solution that could very well help you. Try this..........

Grab a journal, notebook, binder or whatever you have on hand and then make 3 pages. Label one of those "THINGS THAT HAVE TO GET DONE" then the next one "THINGS THAT NEED TO GET DONE" then the last one "THINGS I WANT TO GET DONE" using those 3 list then divide all the lists of things that are going on in your head that is just totally overwhelming you and put them in the book. The main thing honest with yourself. Just like for example, getting a load of mulch wouldn't be more important than fixing a leaky pipe or a garage door. Those would be things that HAVE to be done and getting the mulch would fall under one of the other two categories just according to
what else is on your list. You'll find the more honest with yourself that you are the easier it will be to place them in the right
So now grab that pen and paper. Put on your thinking cap and get all that stress off of you that your feeling, by
categorizing the overwhelmed feeling you've been having. And when your done......go take a nice long bubble bath to totally clear you head and you'll be refreshed and know where your starting point is just by looking at your journal. Congratulations! You did it!
Come on back soon cause you never know what the next subject will be.....
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