Hi and welcome back. Here is Part 3 and the final chapter so to speak of the making of the manila envelope mini. My pictures are a bit out of order and I can't change them so bare with me on this. I'll show you the finished album then explain how I made the album cover if that's alright, again I apologize.

this is the first page all decorated up with tags tucked into place. You could journal on the tags, put small pictures on the tags, add stickers...just let your imagination run wild.

Here you can see that I have this page all opened up. You can see the coin envelope flipped back and can see where I used the 1" round punch to make me a tab for the coin envelope so it will be easier to grab the tag out of there. Also in this picture you can see where on this particular envelope I opted not to let the inside flap open but rather I used the little double top pocket. Remember I showed you how to make that pocket in the previous post about making a legal sized envelope mini? That's one option that you could do as well. Like I said before you can decorate it to your own taste and get as fancy with it as you would like.
Ok so here's where I have to backtrack just a bit. This is how I made the front and back covers. Shoot even these pictures are out of order so I'm just going to ask you to look at both the above and below pictures as you are reading the instructions. I'm so sorry again..... Now since my envelopes are 6"x6" I used some recycled thick cardboard that was in some packaging I had, but you can use chipboard if you would like. It will work in the same manner just be sure that it's kind of stiff and sturdy. I cut a square that was 7"x7" so it would be just a little larger than the envelopes. and I cut a piece of decorative paper about 1/2" larger than that all the way around to cover the front side. Then I flipped it over and using a different decorative paper I measured the inside and left a little bit of a gap all the way around so that my pretty front paper that was glued around the back edges would show a bit. I'm not sure what those measurements were and I do apologize. Just leave about 1/4" inch all the way around. Next I picked up my ruler and the envelopes and measured where my center was on the binding and punched a hole then from the hole I measured up an inch and down an inch to mark for 2 more holes. I then used my crop-a-
dile and set 3/16" eyelets they are the larger ones by the way. Then after getting the first envelope done it was just a matter of taking the next envelope and the next one and so on and lining up the holes, marking them and setting the eyelets. Now for the cover. I took the cover and found the center then lined one of the envelopes up with that center to make sure that the placement was right and that there was equal distance on all three sides of the cover. If there is, and there should be, then go ahead and punch your holes and set your eyelets in the cover using your envelope holes as a guide for you. Then for the back it's just a matter of taking the front cover and using the holes on it, marking them on the back cover, punch, set eyelets and your done with that. Then I purchased Tim
Holtz D rings. I had to get these online through Ben Franklin cause
Michaels didn't carry them and to be honest I didn't check Hobby Lobby so they may carry them, but I know that Ben Franklin has them. If not then you can go on
ebay as well and get them but I found that ordering through Ben Franklin was cheaper. So anyway, you just simply thread your covers and envelopes in order through the D ring and snap it together and you have yourself a fine little mini album that you can decorate the front in any way that you like.
Waaaa Laaaa your done! Congrats! You did it! Hope that you enjoyed the project. I actually saw this done on
youtube through Follow A Paper Trail so if you would like to see it on video to get more pointers then please do so. I tried my best to be as descriptive as I possibly could but the video is there if you need it as well.
Enjoy and thanks for stopping by. I'll be back with something new hopefully. I'm leaving to go to a
scrapbooking retreat later on this week and I'm hoping that I come back with a ton of new ideas for you all. So come on back now.......you hear?
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see you back! This is a WOW! project - hours of work but wonderful results! Thank you for sharing the great tutorial!
Wishing you a good day today!
Barbara Diane
ReplyDeleteI haven't seen you post in awhile - hope all is well with you!
Wishing you a good day today!
Barbara Diane
ReplyDeleteI hope that you enjoyed the retreat - looking forward to seeing new creations!
I have left a gift for you on my blog today. :<)
Barbara Diane