Anyone else starting to feel the nip in the air at night with fall soon
approaching us? It's starting to hear and what better time to show you the quilts that I made back in 2004. Yes believe it or not all of these were made in one winter. I was down in my back for months afterwards but it was so rewarding to know that people really appreciated them. I made the one above for my mom and that was the first one that I made that year for Christmas.

This one was a Christmas present as well and it was a lap quilt for Suzie over at Happy Shack. I hope that she's still curling up under it and enjoying it.

This one was made that same year around Christmas time cause I didn't even have one to curl up under and thought I would reward myself a bit for all my hard work and was the last one that I made that year.

This one I had to work on only during the day and had to hide everything before my son got home from school cause it was one that I made for him for Christmas. It was quite fitting since he's a big hunter and fisherman.
I think that I started on these in about Sept and finished up just right in time for Christmas. The thing is this wasn't all that I made that year. There were plenty of ornaments and other gifts that I made for family. I'm just not sure how I got them all done in such a short period of time but I did. The look on my mom's face and my sons face were priceless when they opened them and I'm so glad that I took the time to learn to quilt that year. I know that they are just plain ole block quilts but a girl has to start somewhere and considering that I didn't even know how to thread a sewing machine until back in 2000 I don't think that I did to bad.
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